“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”

— Audre Lorde

About Erica

Hi! I am a native of NC and clinical social worker/therapist who specializes in trauma with a special focus on serving those who have experienced interpersonal violence, racial trauma, and/or are living with chronic/invisible illness. Many of these specializations come out of my own lived experiences. In 2003, I was 12 and initially diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis before being hospitalized for the first time. Later that year, I was diagnosed with Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus). I have now lived with lupus for more than 20 years. We upgraded in my adult life, and I was diagnosed with Interstitial Lung Disease (or ILD) around 2020. But 2003 was also the year my dad died suddenly from a car accident. From these circumstances, and more, my heart for serving people was strengthened and initially led her to international volunteering, then non-profit work, before working as a therapist. I absolute love my work as a therapist, and I’ve worked as a social worker for 10 years. I also truly enjoy supporting people in reaching their goals outside of the therapy space - which is what led her to consulting.

Through navigating life with chronic illness over the last 19+ years, and 30+ years as a black woman, I originally normalized practices and made adjustments prior to realizing that - maybe this isn’t normal for all people. I’ve learned how to avoid stairs or prepare for them (thank you Google), I learned how to schedule my days and what to avoid. I learned how to minimize microaggressions before learning to confront them. I learned how to advocate for herself before adjusting the systems I was a part of to be more inclusive of all kinds of people. It’s through this knowledge, training as a social worker/therapist and somatic abolitionist, and lived experience that I continues to serve others so that others can create spaces that serve all - and all includes ourselves too.

Erica has since grown her solo practice to a group practice, Whole Mentality, based out of Raleigh, NC. Whole Mentality is a practice committed to supporting each other and it’s community by providing accessile and affirming mental health services.